Let us help you get from Basic Cloud to Cloud 2.0 and truly transform your business for the long-term

Let's face it, most companies are not doing cloud right, they are not modernizing at the pace of modern cloud (which is fast as h*ck) and are being left behind to be disrupted by their more nible competitors. Cloud customers are also often time left overpaying for idle, under-utilized and unoptimized cloud resources. Cloud Modernization and Optimization combined with Event-Driven Architecture or Pub-Sub Messaging is your ticket to staying in the game and thriving in an ever more competitive, dynamic and complex cloud ecosystem.

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Our Services

DevOps and Cloud Engineering

All of your AWS environments and resources in AWS CDK, CloudFormation or Terraform. Implement CI/CD pipelines and optimized deployment strategies for cloud infrastructure and applications. Setup Landing Zones, develop custom automation, integrations, policies, implement secrets management, perform cloud operations and tune your cloud configurations.

Cloud Security & DevSecOps

Implement security controls and compliance measures for your networks, services, users and data on the cloud. Leverage Web Application Firewall (WAF) and Network Firewalls for protecting API, Web and ingress/egress network traffic. Detect and respond to threats with IPS/IDS and runtime threat detection. Ensure compliance to CIS, PCI-DSS, SOC2, HIPAA, or NIST CSF and scan for vulnerabilities.

App & DB Modernization

Leverage Containers on Amazon ECS or EKS and Serverless on AWS Lambda and AWS Fargate to enhance business agility, developer productivity and operational efficiency. Modernize databases with Amazon RDS, Aurora, and DocumentDB (MongoDB compatible). Migrate your Redis cache to Amazon ElastiCache or MemoryDB.

GitOps with Argo and Kubernetes

Continuous Deployment and Multi-Cluster GitOps delivery to Amazon EKS with Argo CD. Define Kubernetes applications and reusable abstractions using CDK8s. Workflow orchestration with Argo Workflows. Progressive delivery with Argo Rollouts.

Cloud Application Development

Custom tailored development of application services, microservices and APIs using Node.js, TypeScript and Python and deployed with AWS CDK or Serverless Framework and Terraform. Take advantage of modern Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) and Pub/Sub Pattern to drive innovation, decoupling and quick iteration.

Logging & Observability

Metrics, logs and traces for all your services. Alerts delivered via Slack, MS Teams and e-mail. AWS-native observability and tracing with CloudWatch and X-Ray or OpenTelemetry. Kubernetes monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana. Log indexing, search and analytics with Amazon OpenSearch.

Workload & Cost Optimization

Tune and right-size your application, database and analytics workloads for optimal cost, performance, scaling and resilience. Take advantage of Arm-based architecture, Savings Plans/Reserverations and Spot instances.

Cloud Migrations & Hybrid-Cloud

Migrate your on-premises application workloads, databases and data to AWS using Lift and Shift methodologies, then modernize to containers on Amazon ECS or Amazon EKS. Enable Hybrid-Cloud network connectivity and server fleet management between on-premises workloads and those on the cloud.

Data Streaming, Big Data & ETL

Ingest real-time data streams at scale using Amazon Kinesis and Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK). Deploy open-source big data frameworks like Apache Spark and Hadoop on Amazon EMR. Fully managed data warehousing on Amazon Redshift for analytics workloads. ETL and data processing with AWS Glue and AWS Batch.

Take advantage of the latest top offerings from Amazon Web Services

In order to derive the maximum ROI from your cloud investment, you need a Cloud Managed Services provider who truly understands your business needs and technology challenges so that your cloud adoption and modernization journey can be designed and continually refined in a way that generates on-going strategic business value for your company and projects. Smallfries Digital is your trusted partner in that journey.

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Containerization helps organizations focus on their core business objectives, leading to greater potential revenue gains. Container adoption also strongly impacts the portability of applications between cloud vendors. For instance, portability of apps is increased by 45% when using Containers. In addition, increased portability allows companies to be more flexible in deployment and reduces vendor lock-in. Organizations that use Containers experience a 40% reduction in downtime. Containerization features like granular access permission to isolated microservices, policy automation, and standardization drive increased compliance and more stable products. The usage of Containers also correlates with greater usage of agile methodologies. Using Containers increased the number of mission-critical applications developed and maintained using agile methodologies by 36%. Data suggests that supporting agile and DevOps efforts through technology such as Containers can improve productivity.

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The use of Serverless architecture helps organizations be more productive and reduce costs. Serverless enables organizations to deploy features more quickly, release new builds more frequently, and drive higher levels of cloud-native deployment. Serverless organizations can better match their infrastructure to the demands of their applications and workloads using automatic scaling and reduce overprovisioning of compute resources that sit unused. This results in a 23% improvement in compute utilization, translating into direct cost savings for these organizations. The efficiency inherent in Serverless, such as pay-for-use billing that avoids overprovisioning, leads to cost savings for organizations. Organizations using Serverless report spending 39% less on IT infrastructure. This can represent millions of dollars in savings depending on the size of the organization. Organizations that have implemented Serverless report converting monolithic applications to cloud-native applications 22% faster.

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Managed Data

Managed Data is a fully managed, purpose-built database service. The service supports diverse data models and allows organizations to build use case driven, highly scalable, and distributed applications. Examples of Managed Data services include Amazon RDS, Aurora, DynamoDB, DocumentDB, and Redshift. Organizations using Managed Data report an increase in the number of applications built using cloud-native architecture by 71%. Having more data for insights, faster time to insights, and more cloudnative apps drive a 28% increase in revenue for organizations using Managed Data solutions. Managed Data not only allows organizations to make the most out of their data but enables business growth in the form of agility due to far greater accessibility, integration, and utilization of data.

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